Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Task 4 Jumpstart - Mash-ups

Task 4

  • Choose one object card.
  • Choose one inspiration card
  • Draw 5 different ideas for what the object will look like if it was like the inspiration picture.

Task 2 Jumpstart - Gears

Task 2

Learning about gears.
  • Make a copy of this Google Drawing about gears.
  • Use the gear set in class to answer the questions on the Google Drawing.
  • Share the drawing with your teacher.

Task 1 Jumpstart - Moodboard

Task 1
Work in teams of 2 or 3 and create a MOOD BOARD to illustrate SteamPunk.
Make sure you include a wide variety of things like clothing, goggles, hats, household objects, vehicles, posters, art work, patterns, furniture, everyday objects, art work .
  • Make a folder on your Google Drive (one for the team) - share this folder with everyone in the team and your teacher.
  • Everyone in the team collect images for the mood board and put them in the folder.
  • Create the mood board by printing off the pictures you have collected and sticking them onto the large boards each team have been given.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Accenture Trip

Accenture trip June 2018
  • Write a paragraph to describe your trip to Accenture today.
Today 10KHm and 10RMcn had the opportunity to spend the day at Accenture and got to experience many things. We got to experience what it's like to do coding, we also got to see what it's like using the virtual reality. We did a quiz on Kahoot at the end to see what we had learnt during the day.

  • Write 2-3 sentences to explain your favourite parts of the day
Overall today was fun and there were a few highlights of today. One of them would be listening/ learning about them. Also another part of the day that i enjoyed was the game of Kahoot at the end. Although i had been coming last in the beginning, as we answered the questions i started to get to the top 5. The game ended and i ended up coming 3rd, for that i got a bottle and virtual reality glasses.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

PPAP2 Political Party

Paterita-The reason why people should vote for us is because our party is about protecting culture and identity and we would like the support of people to help us throughout this election.Please vote for our party,we need the support!

Pounamu-I think people should vote for us because we will help others in need and will always keep their priorities on our minds so we can help at all times.

April - Our political party stands for Pounamu,Paterita,Alla,April,Party. We are all about caring about people in our community. Please check out our link below and check all the hard work we have done.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Sitting Exams

Sitting the exams was a challenge for me because it was hard sitting in a quiet room for 4 hours a day for 3 days. I think i prepared well for all my exams except social studies, i didn’t have a lot of time to get to studying for the social studies exam. I wasn’t quite ready for my social study exam but i was ready for the other 4. I think i did well in my Maths and Science exams more than the rest. What i could have done better was use some of the time i had in class to study more for all 5 exams. Next time i think i’ll change the amount of time i have to study, to make space for all of my subjects to be studied on equally.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Digital Footprint

A digital footprint is something that shows everything we've been on or searched online. We are learning about digital footprints so that we can understand whats so important about what we are leaving behind in our history.